SQL for Workflow Conditions

We need an SQL to list the /Conditions/ we see in /Workflow Maintenance/ screen in Microsoft Dynamics GP Version 18.6. I’m able to find a few tables and fields that make work, but unable to get exactly what is needed. Where can I find this information in the backend SQL Server Database and what SQL script would provide the information needed?

Please see attached screenshot for what I’m looking for and the items I tried below.

The first field I found is the “Workflow_Where_Clause” field in the “WFI10002” table. This seems similar, but not sure if this is correct because it does not easily translate to what I see in the screen.

SELECT TOP 10 [Workflow_Type_Name], [Workflow_Name], [Workflow_Where_Clause] FROM [WFI10002]

The second field I found is the “Workflow_Step_Conditions” field in the “WFI10003” and “WF100003” tables. This seems logically to be correct, but the values returned in a crypted GUIDString format.

SELECT TOP 10 [Workflow_Name], [Workflow_Step_Name], [Workflow_Step_Conditions] FROM [WFI10003];SELECT TOP 10 [Workflow_Name], [Workflow_Step_Name], [Workflow_Step_Conditions] FROM [WF100003];

As you probably have found, there isn’t any table in Dynamics GP system or company databases that will spell out the workflow step conditions that you’re looking for. The step conditions are stored in a GUID value, which you’ve found.
