Sort quantity from largest to smallest


How do I sort my list of staff with the qty of the items they sold from largest value to smallest?

For example:

Name QTY-Items sold

John 6

Marie 3

Dex 10

and make it…

Name QTY-Items Sold

Dex 10

John 6

Marie 3

… I’m using Trans. Sales Entry table with Staff ID & Quantity

The good news is that you have choices for this. One choice would be to copy/paste your data into Excel and sort. If you want to sort the data within NAV, you would typically create a key on the table that contains the data you want to sort. That key definition in this case would be Quantity, Staff ID.

One point to note though: NAV does not support creating an index on a FlowField.

Hope that helps.

But if there is 10 in the list, how will I choose the first top 3 staff id???

You can have look at the standard report of Navision Customer - Top 10 List for reference.