SMS and Navision

Is it possible to integrate SMS Messaging and Navision Attain?? I have written an application in VB but don’t think i can get it to interface with Navision… Thanks in advance Adrian

You should look for a partner who can recieve formatted e-mails and convert these to SMS. Then it’s very simple: Just send an e-mail with a fixed format in the body including mobile phone number, message and if the reciever should respond or not. //Lars

Thanks…but i need it to look a bit more professional…and can’t really rely on a third party…might use the outlook automation in Navision and send a formatted email to my application…but try and hide my application in the taskbar so that it looks like it’s all being done by navision…

If you have written the application in VB then its is a very easy thing to write a VB OCX which will integrate into Navision. But does the computer that this runns on need to have a modem on it. If so That makes it more difficult. I have an application on a linux box where you send an email to an address with the mobile number in the subject and the first 460 characters of the body are sent via sms Edited by - triff on 2002 May 13 18:27:48

Yeah just wanted to use the existing application…Doesn’t need a modem is handled through bluetooth connection to the server

If its just a case of Phone number and message then make an ocx with a public function which requires these as parameters and returns a status value. Put you code in with a bit of error checking, and install the ocx on all the computers. Make a new navision codeunit with a variable of type OCX and subtype of your ocx. The you will see Error:=OCXVar.Myfunction(Phone No,Text) is available to use. When you integrate an OCX into Navision always use a new codeunit just for the interface between Navision and the OCX. To compile and object which refers to and OCX it must be installed on that machine. Paul Baxter Edited by - triff on 2002 May 13 15:41:19

Thanks Paul. Much appreciated

Hi Adrian, I do not know, how you want to send the SMS. I have done some little module that allows Navision to communicate with mobile phone connected to the computer via data cable. I tested this for Nokia 3330 and it works fine. So in Navision you can create something like message queue. Any client can create record in this queue. Then there is one client which is processing the queue - sending the SMS using attached mobile. It can also work other way around - the attached mobile can receive SMS, Navision can read it and process it. Michal

Yeah my application does exactly that. How do you establish a connection from your pc to the mobile though?

I found some OCX on the internet. It was something like FBus.ocx, NokiaFBus.ocx or so…

Do you still have the link to it? would be a great help.

I have problem upload the file. Send me your e-mail and I will send the OCX to you.

Why not post a code snippet and the OCX in the download section :slight_smile: //Lars