When using the item card and doing a find for an item number, we are getting a message on the bottom of the screen that the Value Entry table is being searched. This is causing lookups to be very slow. It has been suggested that this may be a result of the keys on the table. Does anyone have any suggetions to speed this up? Thank you, Brian Tangarone
Hi Brian, look for the flowfield which is causing this process to run. If you do not need that flowfield on the Item Card then remove it. This way you will not need the key, but I will suggest creating the key for that flowfield, if you are using that field elsewhere as well. if you create the proper key, then you will not see the message for searching the value entry. Naveen Jain
What version are you using? In some recent versions (3.70, I believe) there is function call to calculate the average cost of the item during the OnAfterGetRecord trigger. This function uses CALCSUMS on the Value Entry table to calculate a preliminary cost of the item (should be fast because of the CALCSUMS). But it then loops through all item ledger entries for the item (subject to loction and variant filters) that are not completely invoiced to adjust this preliminary cost by the expected cost of those ledger entries. If you have a large number of such entries this can take a while to process.
You could alternatively uncheck the “Find As You Type” option and explicitly press the “Find First” button or press Enter when you have finished typing the search expression. This prevents the Item Card from reading all records that partially match the search expression while it is still being typed in.
We are usinging version 3.7 with FIFO costing. I disabled the lines of code on the form (in test database) that calculates the average cost each time the form is opened, and it runs much better. Thank you very much, Brian
Well I will suggest to check for the costing method (If “Costing Method” = Costing Method"::Average THEN) just before the calculation of Average Costing. That way, later if you decide sometime to creat an item with the average costing then, you should be ok without the help of programmers. Naveen Jain