Why change something which isn’t broken many people ask? Yes it did actually work, at least the number of visitors to the user group has never been as high as they are right now. In just three months the number has grown 100%!
But still the front page has been updated again. I have been bringing back parts of the layout we had before the CS 2007 upgrade in July. And I have also added some additional information which in the future will be updated with links different featured posts, books and other links. If you would like to suggest a special post, blog or book to be featured on the front page, then please send me a PM (personal message) - not email please.
Our sponsors will also be back. When I moved the site from Snitz (mbsonline.org), I had to say goodbye to the Paypal sign-up code I had running here coded with simple HTML+VB/ASP. Here on http://dynamicsuser.net everything is running ASP.NET and coding here is much more difficult (at least for me!). But to the begin with the only current Gold Sponsor (Jet Reports at http://www.jetreport.com) will again be featured on the frontpage.
I like it [Y] the hard part always is to balance no of clicks to get somewhere, against amount of links on one page. And a min point is generally the best solution. This Front page now gives a very good taste of what is on the site wihtout putting everythign there.
I like this look a lot better Erik. Maybe it wasn’t broken, but you have certainly improved the look. The only thing I did not like when we moved to CS was the minimalist frontpage, and I always wondered how sponsors would like that they weren’t featured there anymore.
One thing though: IMO there is too much to scroll down on the frontpage, maybe a bit too much actual content.
Erik - maybe the part Latest Forum activity can be removed to help eliminate scrolling on the frontpage? It duplicates Active Posts link, which IMO clicks almost everyone immediately after brief checking of frontpage…
What content would you remove, if you where to do it, based on the fact that most of the users are casual users and power users like you? Is there something you would add to the page?