Setting financial dimensions for purchase order header

With the use of project i’m creating purchase order. Here in the standard environment, i can able to see the financial dimension values in Line details, but the financial dimension values are not visible in Header.

I need to update the line details of financial dimension values in header too. How can we achieve this? Any idea? Please share it ASAP.



Hi Zahir, you originally sent your question to the thread called "Creation of Financial dimension values through code" in the Developer Forum, where we discussed creating new dimension values in AX 2012. Nevertheless your question looks more like you’re working with existing dimensions in GUI. Can you confirm that your question belongs to the Developer Forum?

I see financial dimensions in purchase order header (fast tab “Financial dimensions”). Maybe I didn’t get what you mean by “line details of financial dimension values in header”.

Hi Martin,

I’m creating the purchase order through project ->item requirements. Here I’m creating the purchase order. When I update the financial dimensions for the item, it’s updating only the line details and not the header details in standard.

  1. I’m updating the financial dimension values at project item requirements.

  1. When I open the created PO, it shows line level financial dimension values.

  1. When I check it from header view, the financial dimension values are missing?

Need to know the standard behavior of Ax



The financial dimensions on the PO header is updated from Vendor master and at the line it is updated from Item level. If the dimensions are not updating from projects, then check vendor master.

Also, what is the business requirement here? The financial dimension on PO header hits the AP control account and rest all ledger accounts are driven by PO line level dimensions.


Hi Pranav,

Thanks for your reply.!!

I’m updating the financial dimension values through project->item requirements and in the line level, i’m updating the financial dimension values for PO creation. Now, when i open the PO, it shows the updated financial dimension values in line and not in the header. What’s reason here, which it update in line particularly and not in the header?

Since i have update the financial dimensions in the lines of project → item requirements.



Zahir, you still haven’t answer my question, but it seems that this thread belongs to the End User forum, so I’m moving it there. Please try to ask in the right place next time - if I had to split, rename and move all threads, I wouldn’t do anything else.

As Pranav said the PO line is picking up the financial dimensions from Item requirement line on project and PO header dimensions will normally default from Vendor or Project if specified.

Now if you are trying to update the dimensions again on PO line and expecting the updation in the PO header then that is improper. As normally in any form, updating dimensions at header level defaults to line level not from line level to header.