I have created a report with table Group as the main dataitem. Indented under Group is the dataitem Salesline. Under Salesline I have indented the Integer dataitem and under Integer I have 4 datitems indented at the same level. That is, for every sales line record read, the report will print 4 sections(one for each of the dataitems under Integer), each having it’s own header section. When a page break occurs, on the new page I want to print the header of the dataitem(one of the four under Integer) that was printing at the time of the pagebreak. How can this be done? Thanks. Pari Somasundaram.
You might try putting a Trans Header on each of the four dataitems under Integer. I haven’t tried it, but it seems like a reasonable experiement. Dave Studebaker das@libertyforever.com Liberty Grove Software A Navision Services Partner