Sales value per-month by SalesPerson

Do the NAV have report for Sales value per-month by SalesPerson ??


Menu Sales&Marketing->Sales->Reports->Salespeople/Teams has many reports

but NAV doesn’t have per month summary… like

Sales person code Jun 2010 (Now) Jun 2009 (Last Year)

Actual Forecast Variance Actual

A 100 120 20 85

B 90 100 10 75

C 0 20 20 10


Not as standard, you will need to code this. You can use the reports Valentin suggested as a start.

ok everyone…

so how did you grouping by month?

all i know is just grouping daily like this…

CurrReport.SHOWOUTPUT :=
CurrReport.TOTALSCAUSEDBY = “Table Name”.FIELDNO(“Posting Date”);