Sales tax on multiple items purchased

We are facing a very typical problem. The scenario is there are multiple items (say, about 5 to items) on which sales tax is chargeable. Sales tax calculation etc happens properly, but, it is impossible to post a purchase invoice. Purchase invoice is created using Get Receipt Lines. The Navision version used is 3.70

What does Navision tell you when you try to post the invoice?

It gives an error message. Right now, I am unable to quote the exact words in the error message box, but, it says something like this Quote ===== Calculate sales tax manually or activate sales tax setup in G/L Setup. Unquote ===== There is no specific function or trigger in the menu to calculate sales tax manually. If something is wrong with setup in G/L then this error message should come while posting all invoices and not specifically in those where the items are about 5-6. Ya, one more thing, in this setup invoices are rounded off to the nearest rupee. While we were debugging we found that the difference is in rounding sales tax. If we round off sales tax at each line and total that will be different from the sales tax rounded off on the total amount. Obviously!!! And this is what seems to be preventing posting of the invoice. One of the suggestion given is to comment CONSISTENT function in code unit 12. What is the implication of this? Has anyone tried this? But, all said and done, this cannot be a long term solution.

Well it looks like a localisation issue, so I will leave this one in the hands of the Indian contributors [:D]

Hi Steven, Well, the error does seem to be flowing from Indian localisation. But, just one thing, what would happen if CONSISTENT function in code unit 12 is commented. What does this function do? How would it affect the application from the functional purview?

hi krupesh, i assume the problem lies in indian localization only. the codeunit called ‘indian sales tax calculate’ which is localised from the codeunit ‘sales tax calculate’ seems to have problem in ‘Amount rounding precision’ which gets triggered through either ‘Currency Setup’ or ‘G/L Setup’. but the problem may be solved if the difference in precision is increased from the present i.e 0.01 which is static and should be pulled from either of the above tables. But believe me this should be done by either navision india or the product vendor.