Sales Tax Groups form Relations between Tabs

In the Sales Tax Groups form we have “OVERVIEW” , “GENERAL” , “SETUP” Tabs

Where i can found the relation between “Overview” & “Setup” tabs

Eg:- When i choose CA in Overivew The Setup Tab show only 3 records

CALA in Overview The Setup Tab showing 6 Records

I am thinking all the changes will effect due to the Enum

Where i can found the Relation ?

This is because of your tax definition that means your tax configuration - for a tax group you can have different number of tax codes.

Which Enum you are taking about and what exactly you are trying to understand…

It uses tables - TaxGroupHeading for tax groups and TaxGroupData for tax codes…

Hi Kranti,

Here what i want to know is

Eg:- In the Tax Item Group Form

When i choose the SPB in Overivew tab → How setup shows only those related data

where can i found the code ?

In the same way in Purchease oreders Line we have “setup” tab

In that if i selected SPB in Item sales tax group. How it will know which percentage to take bcz it is having so many percentages in setup

As i have mentioned this is because of the relation between the two tables.

Although there are so many percentages - they are defined per tax codes and effective dates.

for that you need to understand how the tax structures got designed.

Here i got something…

When we choose setup tab in the “Item sales tax group” it shows only related fields because of Method “TaxName”

It assigned in the “Item sales tax group form” design → setup → Taxname field → prop is “Data Method”

Here the method “Taxname” is assigned.

But i didn’t get when i choose the SPB in purchease order form line–> setup

How it will take a value from a list. Where i can found the code for fetching a particular value & how can i assign another value from a list of values?

when i choose the SPB how it knows which value to take ?

bcz it is having a list of values ?

What is your requirement?

Hi Kranti,

Here what i want to know is when i select SPB by default it takes the sales code SP_CAST

Why it is taking only that value…?

In table the SPB having a list of TaxCodes…