Sales Order Credit Note Error "The Quantity being returned is greater than what can be covered by the return lot"

Hi, Was wondering if someone could help.

Every now and again I keep getting an error “The Quantity being returned is greater than what can be covered by the return lot” when trying to place a credit note in a sales order. The quantity is less than the amount invoiced in the linked Sales order and it doesn’t seem to happen every time we process a credit note. Unable to replicate the issue. Anyone have any ideas?


Have a look at the related lot number and the transactions and ensure there is not a return transaction already.

Hi Steven,

This error occur due to invoice posting pending, please post the purchase invoice and retry.



Post the return invoice first and retry.

There is no return Lot ID as it is scrapped. and there is no return invoice to post. Also when the issue does occur the user can’t do anything until clicking “Command-Restore”. Once the user has clicked restore you are able to post the credit note. It is very bizarre as this is not happening every time.