Sales item group statistics report Missing

why sales item group statistics report Missing in any company at our region (egy), once it occur normal at region (usa) once it a standard report not customized
and how occur this report espicially?

Possible explanations include security setup, or maybe the report is country-specific. Unfortunately, you didn’t tell us whether you’re testing it with an admin account, which could rule out the first option and I’d have to be writing about it…

Also, you’ll make it easier for others to help you if you mention the (AOT) name of the report (or other details, if it’s not a report defined in AOT).

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It’s probably the report is country specific.

thank you martin for response i think it is a country specific report as it is not related to security setup as the report privilege exists and available for users as shown in next attach

my question now if it a country specific how can i resolve this issue and make this report available

thanks jacob for your response i think also it is a country specific but my question now if it a country specific how can i resolve this issue and make this report available in my country range

CustSalesItemGroupStatistics_NA is just for North America, namely USA and Canada. You could create an extension of the menu item and add more values to Country Region Codes property, but you’d also have to test the report, because it may depend on other country-specific things.

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thank you, martin i will check this solution