Sales invoice discount

Dear All,

My customer wants to give percentage discount in whole sales invoice amount to the cash customers.These discounts are not based on any criteria so the % is not fixed.

For all the cash customers, i have used single customer card as “cash customer” and assigned payment method cash with a bal. account .

Could anyone advise is there any standard function to handle this?


So it is not enough to use line discount amount or line discount %?

Maybe you can just enter a new line with the discount?

Hi Tvis,

Thanks for the quick response.

The problem of using line discount is when we have mutiple sales lines and the invoice processor has to key in the discount % in each line.

Do you think i can enter a new line with the discount…if yes how?


Maybe this will work?

Hi Tvis,

This is not what i wanted. I wanted the system to calculate the invoice discount amont for the total of all the line amount automatically.

The alternative to this is inserting line discount % in every line.But my users find it difficult esp. when there are plenty of line items. They just want to tell the system the percentage to be discounted for the total invoice amount.

I couldnt set up invoice discount because i am using this function for all walk- in cash customers for whom there is no fixed rule of discount.

I also can use F9 and insert lumpsum discount amount but unfortunately not the %.

I guess this is common issue for everyone. If anyone has quick solution,please do share.

i would be very much grateful to you.


I faced this problem too , i had to customize Statistics form (Shortcut key F9) to include discount percentage facility. Probably can you manage to do that?

An alternative could be to code a function which inserts a line discount percentage (which the user would have to type) on all lines and add that to the function button on form 43.


As anyway a mod is required, better would be IMRAN’s suggestion - we do that regularily, because Inv.Discount as fixed sum is annoying for many clients.

It’s a 2 min mod - add to Statistics form Inv.Disc.% field, a couple of lines of code simply updates standart Inv.disc.Amt. field… But bear in mind - if you have already entered the %, and more lines are added to SI, you must repeat the process, as when F9 form is closed, SI lines are updated, but adding lines doesn’t recalculate the values. (But that is the same with fixed discount, too).

Not quite correct: In the field “Inv. Discount Amount” in F9-form you can type “1234.56*0.123” = letting 12.3% discount from amount 1234.56.

Otherwise - NAV cannot let discount based on payment terms. But it is possible to create Invoice Discounts called “5”, giving 5%, “7”, giving 7% and so on. On a Sales Header you can (manually) type in the discount code you want to use.

Put a check-mark in field “Calc Inv. Discount” in “Sales & Marketing” > Setup" → “Sales & Receivables Setup”; now Invoice Discount will be calculated when pressing F9 or releasing order/invoice. And when invoicing.

By using this method it is not smart to have Customers with numbers as 5, 7, …!


Everything genial must be simple [:D] - but:

You must retype the Amt - potential place for human error;
You loose possibility to print discount percentage, only Amt.

  • [:^)]? Invoice Discount is recalculated when e.g. pressing F9.
  • correct; but this way is better than the old one when the Discount was a seperate line. Is a posibility that not all items allow Invoice Discount (setting on Item Card). So giving 10% at the end off an invoice with at total at 1000 does not necessarely result in 100.