I’m getting error when posting a negative Receive Now Quanity in PO to reverse Invoice amount “Item consumption for 10,912.00 cannot be updated because the cost price is known only for 1,323.31 in stock.” any Idea ?
seems “Financialy negative inventory” is disabled in your item model group. Because of this setting, you would be able to issue the quantity only if you know the cost of them.
Ex:, If you raised a PO for 100 quantity, 100 is product receipt updated but only 80 is Invoice updated. In this case, you can post the PO reversal only for 80 quantity because the other 20 is not Invoice updated(cost price is unknown).
Solution: you might need to Invoice update the quantity which is physically updated. Alternatively, you can enable the parameter “financial negative inventory” but you would need to discuss with the client and take a decision.
The error may be due to that you have not Enabled / Ticked Financial Negative Inventory in your Item Model Group. Please check the same.
Thank you Santosh & Prabu for fast answer ,I have attched image reflect that invoice reminder is negative in quanityt tab , as mntioned tha they invoiced more than what is recived .
Should I have to recive same quantity as invoiced quanitity ,then reverse that invoice ?
I did tried to post invoice with 10,912 and ,I got this message error " Update quantity is greater than remaining quantity on order line."
Any idea ?
I Enabled Financial negative inventory and it works , but now i have Negative cost price on the item on-hand ,
how i can fix negative onhand ?
This should be automatically fixed when you Invoice update the quantity which is “physically” updated but no Invoice is posted.
Is this need to close the inventory to be fixed (Negative cost price on the item on-hand )?
Do an Inventory recalculation rather than closing, to see if it fixes the negative cost.