Hello, could somebody help me?
I want to reverse a fixed assets transaction, but I get an infolog"Reversal denied.Account 21302 is journalised.The ledger transaction for account 999 cannot be reversed". What does this “Jounalizing” do?
Hello, could somebody help me?
I want to reverse a fixed assets transaction, but I get an infolog"Reversal denied.Account 21302 is journalised.The ledger transaction for account 999 cannot be reversed". What does this “Jounalizing” do?
I am not sure what exactly the functionality of Journalizing.
But when this process is run for particular voucher or range of vouchers - internally the system assign a journal number for all these vouchers.
The system will not allow - to reverse such kind of transactions. So somebody had run the Journalizing process n your case.
(GL → periodic-> journalizing)
Thank you, you are right . I’ll post a fixed assets journal with sign reversed, to cancel the first one…