Returning filters from RecordRef

I’m trying to set filters to a RecordRef and pass the filters back to my Record variable: RecRef.GETTABLE(Vendor); FldRef := RecRef.FIELD(MyFieldNo); FldRef.SETFILTER(MyFilterString); RecRef.SETTABLE(Vendor); MESSAGE(FORMAT(Vendor.GETFILTERS));//Returns blank string[V] I know I can use FldRef.GetFilter to get the filter for individual fields but I can’t use that because MyFieldNo can be any field in the table. RecRef.SETTABLE doesn’t seem to return the filters back to the Record variable, only the data.[:(] Please tell me I’m doing something wrong here.

can’t you use getview and setview?

Thanks Erik, this works. I didn’t know Record variables had Getview and Setview. RRef.GETTABLE(Vendor); FRef := RRef.FIELD(1); FRef.SETFILTER('10000'); //RRef.SETTABLE(Vendor); Vendor.SETVIEW(RRef.GETVIEW); MESSAGE(FORMAT(Vendor.GETFILTERS));