Restoring databases

when i tried to restore my backup database, the system showed me the following error message “Standard Text Code ‘MD’ already exists” So i went into my standard text table and deleted all the standard text (i’m using a dummy database to restore), but the same error message prompt me. Alternatively, i create a new database and restore them into it. And although the database did finished restoring, i couldn’t open any fields, prompting me with an error message " you cannot delete or change the type of the last user modified (in the customer table) before the value in the field is reduced to 0, or blank" seriously needed help, thank you.

What Version of Navision and what databasa type are we talking about ? It is always helpful to include such information [;)]


…Alternatively, i create a new database and restore them into it. And although the database did finished restoring, i couldn’t open any fields, prompting me with an error message " you cannot delete or change the type of the last user modified (in the customer table) before the value in the field is reduced to 0, or blank"…
Originally posted by windz - 2006 May 03 : 22:32:42

You will only get this message if you have objects in the new database. Did you create a new database from scratch? The correct steps would be to create a new BLANK database and restore the backup into that (You needed to do the backup with objects). If you didn’t do a backup with objects then the restore will just restore the tables and you will have to import the rest of the objects later.

Looking at this Post, it looks Like the Data and the Objects are out of sync! Are you trying to restore just the data, or Objects as well? The message the value needs to be zero happens when the object has changed between versions, and the field no longer exists, or its type has been changed ,does this make sense in you scenario? So try the way chris suggested, Create a blank database, and do a full restore, data and objects. If you are trying to restore an old backup, into new objects then this is the problem you are having. Just one tip: If you wanted to roll back and needed objects from an historic backup, snapshot so you can do a compare of the table structures, but did not want to restore all the data!! You could do it like this, Create a New Database, Choose Import Objects, But at this point don’t point it at a fob file, choose all files and point it at your (backup) fdb file, the table will populate with all the objects in your backup file, (Highlight) select all, and Check Replace All , then OK, now you have extracted all the objects from your old back up file. This is done quickly without restoring the data from your old back up. [:D] Not a lot of people know that! [^]

There is another possibility. If the data was backed up on a C/Side database and restored into SQL there could be a standard text code md (lowercase) and another MD (uppercase). You can get this with the Post Code table where one of the key fields is a text variable but the key on the Standard Text table is a code so this is pretty unlikely unless you’re using C/Front. I’m pretty sure this is not the problem but the symptoms seem to fit so you may want to have a quick check. Dan.

Thank you all for the suggestion, the method david suggests work just fine, never thought i could do that, thanks for the info. :wink: