Restore Database on Test Server


We want to restore copy of Live database on Test Server for transaction testing. Now we have two separate server for Live and Test, On Live server we don’t have Model database, and i want to restore Live database on test server, so please any body knows, then please guide us.




Which AX version you have ?

What do you mean by “on Live server we don’t have Model database”? Do you mean the separate model store database that was introduced in R2? That would mean that your Live and Test use different versions (AX2012 / AX2012 R2). In that case, build your Test system on RTM version, restore Live database there and then you can upgrade it to R2.

Hi Martin,

Thanks for immediate respond,

We have same version on Test and Live as a Ax2012R2… but we done have model db on Live (On Live SQL server there is only main db and baseline db), then whenevery we take backup from live and restore on Test SQL Server and start the Test Ax service then that time service is not allow to start.



From a logical point of view, there is always a model store database. If you didn’t have it, you wouldn’t have any X++ code to execute. If you don’t have a separate model store database, it must mean that the system is still using the model store inside the AX database, as in AX2012 RTM.

I’m surprised that R2 AOS starts without its model store database, anyway your Live simply isn’t a correct R2 instance. That’s the problem you have to solve first.

Yes i think it may be… thanks for guide, will check first live setup.



Ax2012 R2


if you have AX2012 R2 then it must have model database.