I am not a developer, but it will perhaps start the calculation like that, but it will look at the reordering policy, replenishment method, then the supply and demand balance before overlaying the order modifiers. All performed in low level code order.
because i have to set up the requisition worksheet
and i still don’t get it where the calculation algorithm is made, for example:
IF Inventory + PurchOrder - ReturnPurchORder… THEN
the inventory purpose is…
I saw the Inventory Profile table, or Inventory Profile Offsetting CodeUnit, but it is
a little bit hard to completely understand.
Are you looking for someone to translate the code for you because it is hard to understand? Not sure why you want this, not sure why you want the algorithm. Imagine it takes all demand and balances it with a supply suggestion. Why do you need to know more?
I am not sure any developer will sit down and translate what the code does into non-code speak, but if you need this it worries me you are then going to develop it when you do not understand it! I believe you will have to sit down and although it is hard you will need to master it yourself.
But nothing to do with translating the code you are looking at. If you think that is useful to you fine, I suggest you read the manuals on customer source as well, I would also suggest you do not modify the system as per your original post.