Report Result not conform to the selected request filter field

Hi everyone,

I am running a report to rename some Items in the database…The report is based on the Item table and the request filter fields Gen. Prod. Posting Group.

When I run the report after selecting a particular Gen. Prod. Posting Group and then look at the Item table, I find that there are modified items that do not belong to the selected group

Before running the report in the customer test database (a huge one), I tried it in the Cronus database and it worked just fine…The issue appears with the customer database…

Can someone explain ???

Check whether filter is applied properly …

The problem occurs when the Gen. Prod. Posting Group contains a large number of items…For small number, it works just fine…

How you are putting value in Filter Field ???

It is a request filter field…I just select a particular value and run the report…

Can you please tell us HOW you rename your records (code structure). You are aware that after you rename your record, your record position in the dataset will be different. That might be your problem.