Report for one customer with multiple ship to addresses

I am looking to run a report for a specific customer who has multiple ship to / delivery addresses. They would like to have a report detailing ship to address & purchases

What type of reporting platform do you use? You should be able to extract the data from the Posted Sales Invoice/Credit Memo (Sales Invoice Header and/or Sales Cr.Memo Header tables)

You might also be able to go to the Posted Sales Invoice page in BC. Personalize your page to see Ship-to information, Bill-to or Sell-to information, and Amount. Filter your list for the specific customer requesting the info and dump it out into Excel.

Thanks that worked!
Do you know of any way we can get this to work in the Customer/Item sales reports?

Instead of dumping it out to excel, you might use the analysis view to filter by client and then summarize by ship to address