Report Access to Table in another Company

Hello I have a form which alters data in several companies in Navision. Most users can only access one company but certain changes they make can update the corresponding tables in the other Navision companies (within the same database). For users with access to all companies, the program works fine. My question is: Is there a way to grant permission to a form/report/codeunit to access information in multiple companies? I know you can grant permissions to a object for access other objects that a user may or may not have rights, but this is only within the company the user has rights to. Michael

Hi, AFAIK it’s impossible. You can grant permissions only within company. So if the user haven’t permisson to access some object in some company then you have no way to give him this permission even granting permissions to objects. You have to grant the user at less ‘inderect’ access. Const.

Thanks for you reply. It looks like our solution will have to be a diapatcher program that runs and monitors a table of suggested changes and updates the appropriate fields in each company. The dispatcher user would have rights to all companies but only to certain tables. Other than opening up all the companies to to users in question this may be the best solution. Michael