Removing javascript subgrid filter on form

I have a form. When certain criteria is met onLoad it will filter the subgrid to return a subset of results.

the javascript detects to make sure that at least one of the required criteria is not null the filter will be applied.

This works.

However, if the criteria is changed removing all the required criteria and saved, I want the filter to be removed.

This does not work.

I’ve tried both of the following

    var fetchXmlAll = '<fetch version=/1.0/ output-format=/xml-platform/ mapping=/logical/ distinct=/false/>' +
    '<entity name=/laa_contact/>' +
    '<all-attributes />' +
    '</entity>' +
  var subgridControlNo = formContext.getControl(/mySubgridName/);
setTimeout(function () {

}, 5000); // 2000 milliseconds = 2 seconds


  var subgridControlNo = formContext.getControl(/mySubgridName/);
setTimeout(function () {

}, 5000); // 2000 milliseconds = 2 seconds


appropriate console logs tell me that these parts of the code are being reached - however neither approaches work

How can I remove the filter in an onsave event like this?
