Hello, I’m currently building a planning application within NF 2.01, buth I’m having some refresh-troubles : I open a form and no filter is selected, so far so good. Buth when i select a filter (making use of a lookup-form), the filter doesn’t start immediatly, I have to scroll over the screen (form) before it is refreshed. Can this be solved, how Thanks Dirk.
Have you tried a CurrForm.Update ? Hope this helps. Henrik
Yes, i’ve tried it in the onaftervalidate-trigger and in the validate-trigger, no luck with that!.
From your description i assume you start the lookup form from one of the fields of the current record. That record was either found without the filter, or it is a new record. To see the effect of the filter, you must first leave the current record. You can use CurrForm.Update in the aftervalidate trigger with the required effect, if the lookup is not on a field of the record/table you want to place the filter on. Look at the requistion worksheet to see how it works.
Hi, When you open the form through LOOKUP then OnValidate and OnAfterValidate trigger would not fire so write CurrForm.UPDATE(FALSE) in OnLookup trigger and try it.
you have to leave the current record for refreshing the form. For info., whenever u aply a filter u can write code on onaftergetrecord for some action. But for refresh u have to leave the current rec.