Recover deleted invoice

From an order I have created a shippment and an invoice, the shipment was registered successfully and so the invoice. After I have deleted my invoice from the registred invoices, but now I would like to restore it to see it again. How can I recreate an invoice which was deleted from the registred invoices, in a way that allows me to get all the information about the registred accounting movements. Lukas

Do You mean “posted” when You say “registred”? The postings to G/L, customer ledger and other tables is done with the of the invoice. You can’t recreate a posted invoice and linked the original postings to that.

You can see the entries by Navigate on Document No. The only way you could recreate this Invoice is to manually insert into the Sales inv Header and line table, with your developers licence, but there is no trigger code so each field would have to be done manually. Then it might be worth inserting some code to stop invoices being deleted until the year is closed that would then allow you to Navigate David Cox MindSource (UK) Limited Navision Solutions Partner Email: Web:

I recreated the posted invoice, while inserting new records into the Sales inv Header and line table. In this tables exists some fields that are not editable, therefor I wrote a codeunit, to do that modification for me. Now I need to link this invoice to the other movements of the posting process, so that I can see it in the navigator.

If you have the correct “Posting date” and “Document No.” the navigation should work! David Cox MindSource (UK) Limited Navision Solutions Partner Email: Web: