I’m doing some data analysis work, and have been given some data files that have been exported from Axapta. I have DAT files and DEF files. I’ve looked everywhere for a tool that will read these files, so I can manipulate them, to no avail. I’m not a Navision user, so don’t have any of the bits it comes with. I’m getting frustrated with this, I just want to get on with the analysis. I’d prefer to convert the data to DBF, but I can easily work with CSV, XML, HTML, XLS etc etc. I realise this is probably an SQL bulk unload or similar, it’s just a matter of which one. I know all you experienced Navision people will say ‘what a snip’, so here’s hoping you can help. DaveMc Here’s what one of the DEF’s looks like… “EXPFORMAT VER. 2.5”,“Binary” “TABLEDEF”,64,“CustInvoiceTrans” “RECORDDEF”,64,49,“InvoiceId”,“InvoiceDate”,“LineNum”,“InventTransId”,“ItemId”,“ExternalItemId”,“Name”,“TaxGroup”,“CurrencyCode”,“PriceUnit”,“Qty”,“CostValue”,“SalesPrice”,“DiscPercent”,“DiscAmount”,“LineAmount”,“LedgerAccount”,“Dimension”,“Dimension”,“Dimension”,“Dimension”,“Dimension”,“Dimension”,“QtyPhysical”,“PartDelivery”,“Remain”,“SalesId”,“SalesUnit”,“SalesMarkup”,“TransactionCode”,“ConfigId”,“TaxAutogenerated”,“TaxItemGroup”,“TaxAmount”,“TaxWriteCode”,“MultiLnDisc”,“MultiLnPercent”,“LineDisc”,“LinePercent”,“origSalesId”,“LineHeader”,“Transport”,“InventDimId”,“numberSequenceGroup”,“StatProcId”,“DlvDate”,“LineAmountTax”,“Port”,“AssetId” “RECORDCOUNT”,64,251467 “RECORDIDMIN”,309514903 “RECORDIDMAX”,332305202 “RECORDCOMPANY”,"(private)"
I am not sure if I can help with the your DAT and DEF files as the only way I know to read these is to import them into Axapta. You could however ask whoever sent you the files to re-export them using a csv file format instead (it is an option when the files are exported). Regards Phil Dawson
Hello Dave, im working a lot with Axapta im/export file. What are exactly your questions? maybe i can help you Pirmin
Actually it’s a bit of cloak and dagger stuff, more interesting that the usual data analysis work. A is suing B. A got a court order to make B provide the files. B provided the files, but obviously didn’t want to make it too easy, so chose binary instead of csv. I have to read the files, calculate some numbers, and give them to A, who will present them back in court again. Going back to B and asking for CSV’s won’t produce anything other than rasberries. If I install a demo copy of Axapta, import the files, then re-export them in CSV, would that work? DaveMc
Dave, well guess in theory, the import (bin) and export (cvs) in axapta should work (at least if you have the same version of Axapta and the table definintion is the same). Try to export the original table from your demo system and check if the .DEF looks the same. If so … just try. Pirmin
Yep it’s a good theory. Unfortunately it’s going to stay a theory until I can get my hands on a demo copy. Alternatively, if anyone would like to do the import/export for me, I could arrange a few sheckles.
Dave, if its a “one time shot”, you can mail me the *.def , *.dat and i do the im / export for u. I have Axapta 2.5 Sp.2 Demo running here. Pirmin