Purchase Tax thourgh Purchase Journal in version NAV 4.00 SP2 NA


I am posting a purchase invoice using the purchase journal and I cant seem to find the Tax Group Code which is on the Purchase Invoice lines when creating an invoice.

How do I post the tax amount for an Invoice when posting through Purchase Journal ?

Same thing for Sales as well, If I am posting an invoice from the Journal then how do I account for Taxes, there is no field for Tax Group Code as such.

Please help, Thanks


Without knowing which country this applies to its hard to comment. Does NA mean North America, if so which country in NA. If the US, then what is Purcahse tax, do you mean USE TAX?

Please can you clarify, and also update your profile to say a little about you.

It’s possible to post tax transactions using journals, but it requires a lot of modification to existing Navision.

You’re better off using purchase invoice if you want to add tax amounts.

OK, now I see what he menas, he actually wants to Purchase Items that have sales tax on them. Correct?

Hi Guys,

Thank you for the help, I did manage to post the taxes using purchase journal. However I had to put Tax Liable & Tax Area Code on the G/L Account Card, fill in the respective values and specify a Tax Group Code.
