Implementing the AX 2012 CU6 in many companies like Com A , Com B, Com C, Com D. The problem is when user created the Purchase requisition in the company A , the same purchase requisition is displaying the com B , Com C, Com D.
Client is asking why it is showing the PR of Company A , in other companies.
Is it bug or design it self ?
If does not want to show the PR of company A in other companies , what need to do ?
This is by design only. Purchase requisition feature in AX is global in nature because normally it happens that one entity can buy some stuffs for other entity. You can explain this to your client. Now if we take the other look around, it gives you flexibility of seeing all entities PR.
One purchase Req can have some items for a different legal entity, so it’s not easy to see entity specific PR. I will suggest ask users to use forms like Purchase Req prepared by me. This will show user created PR only.
There is no need for a print out because you have to use the workflow - it is a paperless paper-chain, the only reason you really need the print out is to pass it on, which the system does for you anyway.