Purchase Requisition Workflow


Hi I have create a purchase Requisition workflow in one user to another user.

create a item in admin user submit the another user.

the second user open the All purchase requisition waiting the approval.

The user click the Action Button → Approved,Rejected,Delegated,Cancel,View history.

But how to work the Approved,Rejected,Delegated,Cancel,View history And were it is use in ax class or method or table method.

Pls help Me.



What’s your version of AX? Please always attach a tag with the AX version.

Hi martin,

I can not understand which version you are asking. if you are asking about my ax version it is 6.2.1000.4051 or if you are asking for the version that is created while purchase requisition work flow it is . I would like to know what are the classes ,table methods and form methods will be called

Sorry, I thought that “version of AX” was unequivocal. All right, so you’re using AX 2012 R2 with CU7 (= 6.2.1000.4051). I’ve added “AX 2012” tag to your question - please do it yourself next time.

First look at the type of the workflow and find it under AOT > Workflow > Workflow types. It may be PurchReqReview, among others. Look at its properties such as SubmitToWorkflowMenuItem - they define which menu items or handlers are executed on particular events.

If the type contains an approval (e.g. PurchReqReviewApproval), you’ll find it under AOT > Workflow > Approvals. It has additional properties such as DelegatedMenuItem.

Hi Martin,

Thanks for Your suggestion i will look in to suggestion that you have mentioned.

