Production order product cost and WIP ledger account

Hi All

I run the Production order and from the price calculation button, overview Cost tab, the finish good cost showing 934.53, out of which the 810.17 (sum the details on the form) is the Material cost and 124.40 is the indirect cost from the costing sheet (sum the details on the form). Now if you Sum these (810.17+124.40) it will be 934.57 rather than 934.53, and here i have the difference of 0.04.

Now when the WIP and Finish Good Account we will see, found the difference of 0.04 (934.57- 934.53). If we accumulate the all month production order and check the diff it can be huge.

Here i think the issue is of some rounding off error. Can anyone Explain me how i can resolve this issue.

for reference this is the screen shot

Any comments experts

Your decimal places are inconsistent which will lead to rounding issues - is this a localization or customization? This looks to me as though part is expressed one way and the calculation then rounds giving you some inconsistencies. Did you expand the UOM or quantity decimal places?

thanks Adam for your reply.

but this happening with some of the Production orders only, in march we have 1408 production order and the difference came is WIP and finish good is 0.44.

Realized consumption and the realized cost amount is the two decimal places,

Can you please elaborate your answer more

No I cannot elaborate any further - the detail is in the system and it is one of those ones you need to start digging, looking at the decimal places is an issue I can see from the screen shot. If you have 1408 production orders and the WIP and FG difference if 0.44 I would suggest roundings is the first place to start, but as standard what is put into WIP is what is reversed so this would always balance to zero. What you must do is create a clean test system, pick one order you feel is wrong and run through one order and check it. Then another until it goes wrong, look at the data and understand why.

ok thanks Adam for your support.