Process Module features missing


All our license keys are enabled, especially Process Manufacturing Production & Process Manufacturing Logistics. But still I can’t see form Formula in Inventory and Warehouse Management > Common. Checkbox Production type is not visible in fast tab Engineer for Released products. Why? What am I missing here…

AX 2012 it is, sorry…!

In your license information in the feature set tab is there a license code in the Process Manufacturing line?

Have you configured security to remove rights to these areas?

It should be above the BOM option in the menu you described.

Hi and thanks for a quick reply!

License code is there (well, it’s just like ************ and that goes for all keys).

I am a System Administrator so security should not be a problem.

Still struggling…

If you are licensed for it, have full security rights and the configuration is activated there must have been a problem with the install - get a technical person to look at it. Do you have elements like shelf life on the item card for process distribution?

No, not in Released products > Manage inventory fast tab anyway. Also missing Best before period, Catch wight, CW Pallet etc.

So none of the process elements are present, but you have full access rights, full license rights and it is configured on. It must be an installation issue.

It probably was, we have not installed latest feature packs…thanks for guiding!!