Problem in Transfer Order

Hi guys, I am facing a serious problem with transfer order. When I ship a transfer order , Navision(3.70) creates multiple entries for some items in the intransit location. When i try to recieve this Transfer Order I get ‘item xxx is not on inventory’ for the items with multiple entires, although there is sufficent stock for this item at the intrasit location Can anybody explain why this is happening ? Why do multiple entries get created for a single item ? Pls note that the shipping is done in one shot. Any help will hugly appreciated.

So this is still a problem in 3.70[xx(] I’ve seen the same thing in 3.10 Make two postings for the recieve that match the quantity on the positive entires in the transit location. Then it will work.

The multiple entries themselves aren’t (necessarily) a bug. An entry is created for each Item Ledger applied to in the From Location. This was probably done to make costing easier. Lars is correct that if you have all of the stock in the intransit location, it is probably a rounding issue and making 2 postings on the receipt will get around this.