Is there a way to skip some labels in the label-type form. We want to give the user a possibility in the options to type in a rownumber to start printing. Thanks Eric
You would have to introduce a new section for each possible starting point. You will also need to use a switch (boolean) variable so that the section with the “new” starting point is only used durring the first printing of the section. Bill Benefiel Manager of Information Systems Overhead Door Company (317) 842-7444 ext 117
HI, There’s one in OnAfterGetRecord: if (RecordNo < InitRow * NoOfColumns + 1) and (CurrReport.PAGENO = 1) then clear( CustAddr); InitRow (integer) is first row to print.
You can add the dataitem ‘integer’ before the existing dataitem. Give the section ‘Integer, body’ the right SectionHeight. Define a variable ‘Start at row’ and put it on the request form. In the Integer-OnPreDataItem trigger put the code SETRANGE(Number,1,“Start at row” - 1); This should do the job. Willy
Originally posted by wex: … This should do the job. Yes it does. Thanks for all answers