Hi All,
I am a new-bee to Navision.I am trying to learn Navision.Even I don’t have any document how to connect primary contact No to customer.
I read F1 , I got confused to understand.
I could not add Primary Contact No in customer Card
I created a contact in contact card with type Person
After that I am not understanding how to connect this to particular customer.
. So Could u explain How to Add primary contact No to particular customer .
Could u explain Step- By step to solve this issue.
I would be very thankful if I could get as many suggestions.
As i understand from your question that you want to assign a customer to a contact.
Well first go to customer card and find the customer that you want to connect. If primary contact no. field is filled with contact no., take the copy of it, if it is empty then assign the contact no. by lookup( the upward arrow beside the field), then copy (ctrl + c).
Go to contact card in question and paste the contact no. you have copied to Company no. field.
Here you go , you have just connected a contact with a customer.
Adding profile to a contact is easy. Just go to contact card and filter the contact no. in question.
At the bottom of the card, click ‘Contact’ menu list, then click profiles. Choose profile questionnaire type on the header and answer the question in the lines by setting the ‘set’ field true or false.
You can setup your own profile questionnaire from setuping provide in Sales & Marketing->Marketing->Setup->Profile->questionnaire setup which is form number 5110.