Price Calculation extention

Dear All,

I do have a extra charge for some customers which I want to add to the unit price of item for that customer.

let say I have an Item : 1000

item 1000 unit price : 10$

I have customer : A

and Customer : B

Extra charge for Customer A : 12 $

Now in sales order if I choose customer A and item 1000 unit price should be 22$ and for same item for customer A should be 10$

I have more than 300 customer and over 2000 items.

Don’t want to create a sales price list for every customer and every item

I added a field in customer card called Customer Freight and in that I put 12$

and make a flow field in sales line with this code :

tableextension 50301 “CustomerFrieght” extends “Sales Line”
field(50301; CustomerFreight; Decimal)
Caption = ‘Customer Freight Charge’;
FieldClass = FlowField;
CalcFormula = lookup(Customer.CustomerFreight where(“No.” = field(“Sell-to Customer No.”)));
trigger OnValidate()
PriceCalculation: Interface “Price Calculation”;
ApplyPrice(FieldNo(CustomerFreight), PriceCalculation);

local procedure GetPriceCalculationHandler(var PriceCalculation: Interface “Price Calculation”)
SalesHeader: Record “Sales Header”;
PriceCalculationMgt: codeunit “Price Calculation Mgt.”;
SalesLinePrice: Codeunit “Sales Line - Price”;
PriceType: Enum “Price Type”;
SalesHeader.Get(“Document Type”, “Document No.”);
SalesLinePrice.SetLine(PriceType::Sale, SalesHeader, Rec);
PriceCalculationMgt.GetHandler(SalesLinePrice, PriceCalculation);

But it does not add the value to the unit price
any suggestions?


You can set prices for a group of customers, and do not have to do this for each individual customer.

Also, to make these changes easier, there is a feature in NAV called Sales Price worksheet that allows you to specify markups etc, and apply it across a range of items/customer.

Thanks Jordi

The problem is that I have used customer group for different thing in my price calculation