Permission issues

I have added all the permissions I can think of, in NAV, WINDOWS, and SQL and i am still getting this error message.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

-<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">…/">




You do not have the following permissions on TableData Page Data Personalization: Read

-">You]( do not have the following permissions on TableData Page Data Personalization: Read




Who is running this process?

does he has Super Role in NAV?

I created a special user for it and yes it has Super Role

Ok so how our Partner setup our system they set it up to where we had to choose a company in NAV for the roles but how the specific table in SQL is setup you cant be apart of any company in SQL. The only way to fix this is to create the user and give them Super permissions in NAV to any company then go into SQL table with the user permissions and delete the company while leaving the user in SQL and that fixes the issue.