passing Arguments in the form level

what are the steps and code examples to pass Argus as record to filter the records in the other form(Ax 2012 r2)

Can you please make it more clear? May be use an example to explain.


Please see the following link for passing arguments,

use the below code to filter the records,

public class FormRun extends ObjectRun
    QueryBuildRange qr;//declare the querybuildrange object

public void executeQuery()

    str itemId;
    itemId = element.args().parm();
   // this.query().dataSourceTable(tableNum("ItemInventory")).addRange(fieldNum(ItemInventory,ItemId)).value(itemId);

    qr = this.query().dataSourceTable(tableNum("ItemInventory")).addRange(fieldNum(ItemInventory,ItemId));
    qr.status(RangeStatus::Locked);//lock the querybuildrange object so user cannot filter the grid on other item id values



Modify the code as per your requirement.
