Opening a form

Hi guys,

One more problem…I added one Action menuitem button on SalesOrder to open the LedgerJournalTable form(I added one field in SalesTable for JourNum),when i click on that button but it is opening LedgerJournalTable form …but now my requirement is need to open the lines form of journal directly without opening the header form…i know that header form acts as active buffer to lines …but without header form i want to open the lines form only when i am clicking the button on SalesTable form only…

i tried by writing the below code in init() of ledgerjournalTable form

if(element.args().Caller(menuFunction(‘MenuItemName’,MenuItemtype::Action) ))




itz not showing any of the form

is it possible to hide the header form ???..Please help me anybody on this …Thanks alot


Can you try debugging init() of LedgerJournalTrans, you must provide all buffer that LedgerJournalTrans needs. Check what active buffer LedgerJournalTable provides to LedgerJournalTrans.