No Series

We use the Suggest Vendor Payments routine to generate a batch of payments and the sytem allocates a number from a series to the batch say number 822. We then raise another batch based on a different criteria so that the second batch has amounts not in the first - and the system allocates a number to this batch say 823. The problemn is that once the amounts in Batch 822 have been sent to the bank we then go and try and post the payments in Attain (ver 3.10). However the system says the batch we want o post should bear the number 823. Is there a fix for this or a better practice? We want to raise several mutually exclusive payment batchesva and post them in any order once a batche has been transmitted to the bank. Thank You for your help

We’ve solved this (or a similar problem) by using different No. Series for different batches… I think that our problem was that two batches that used the same number series were both assigned the same number. Then, after posting one of the batches, the second batch could not be posted, because it contained a ‘duplicate’ document no.