Newest AX 7 training material available.

You might not know it because it’s filed under AX 2012.

Direct links: Development Introduction . There’s also T&L and Financials.

What’s new there? You links seem to lead to certification details on Microsoft Learning site, which is the usual place. The certifications themselves are not new either - Development Introduction, for instance, is there since December 2015.The page merely points to training materials on DLP and CustomerSource, which also are there for some time.

Does it mean that I’ve overlooked some “Newest AX 7 training material” that your post is about?

(BTW I’ve fixed the link so it points to the right certification.)

Thanks for your reply Martin and I’m sorry if I’ve offended you or you feel my post was misleading somehow. My gut tells me that most of the community doesn’t know about these “newest” certifications, especially since 6 months is still fairly new in my opinion. Also the other two certs came out very recently, with T&L just a few days ago.

So my main reason for posting is that these new certifications for AX7 are posted under the AX2012 node. It could be that many people aren’t expanding this node or finding the newest certifications as they continue to roll out.

To continue, I have the opinion that some of us who frequently post here and MVP’s like yourself are very familiar with Dynamics AX, Microsoft, the Dynamics Learning Portal (DLP) and the certification process. However I feel others who view the site or casually engage aren’t as aware. I wanted to be as all inclusive as possible.

For example many of the customers I meet at AXUG or other conferences don’t know even about Customer Source! Other consultants are head down on AX 2012 implementations still, and unfortunately it’s not so uncommon for our community to start training on a new release like AX7 until a year or more after GA. That coupled with Microsoft’s usual delay in releasing certification material, it’s safe to assume many people aren’t even aware that there are any certifications available at all. I was trying to start a dialog about this topic in a way, which is why I’ve posted it as a discussion.

Lastly, to those who might look for training material, you’ll find that the AX7 links are buried under the AX 2012 header. So at first glance this is all you’ll see:

Aha, so it seems that your intention was to show latest certifications, not latest training materials. Then the content (the image, the link) is correct; it’s the title that doesn’t match the content. Thank you for clarifying that.

I would just like to make clear to other community members that the list of certifications is at the same place for years. If you want to see what certifications Microsoft provides, always go to Microsoft learning site and check it there. You can also use your favorite search engine if you forget what was the right site.

Links to some training materials can be found under Preparation options section of certification details.