New Site is Online

Dear members, After a little week of testing I’ve now decided to upgrade this full site to the new layout. So welcome to the new user group site. I’ve still not been able to test everything, so reports on errors are still very welcome to the “Errors (on this website)” forum. Thank you for your support… Rgds, Erik Ernst webmaster

Erik: I am online, but if I go to any topic and see my reply, it shows my “Status: offline” I just noticed, thought of let you know. Thanks, Naveen Jain

Erik: One request, can you say Member instead of Junior Member? Thanks in advance. Naveen Jain


One request, can you say Member instead of Junior Member?
Originally posted by naveenjain - 2004 Sep 23 : 20:46:50

I didn’t know that this was such an big issue - but then again it was when I changed this last time. I will be evaluating the “title” setup soon. Until then you can actually change this youself. Go to your profile page and change it. This is possible for all members with 100 or more postings…

Just had a bit of a play and although it looked a bit crowded to begin with, I am starting to warm to it and it seems to have loads of new features (or perhaps ones I had never noticed before). A few little gremlins to be sorted out, but looking pretty cool! Keep up the good work. Meint

Erik, I Just got back from my vacation and it was quit a shock when my favourite site was changed again! But I must agree with Meint: A bit crowded in the beginning but the new features are nice. Keep up the good work!

Tina, Yes arent they? I’m going to put in the new icon’s again as soon as I get the time…


I’m going to put in the new icon’s again as soon as I get the time…

Ok. So you’re gonna put the new icons back again? That will be the last layout change for a while? You know how users react to a lot of changes in a short time: I don’t understand it anymore… [;)] btw: you (hopefully) accidently wrote Tina instead of Tino)…


You know how users react to a lot of changes in a short time: I don’t understand it anymore… [;)] btw: you (hopefully) accidently wrote Tina instead of Tino)…
Originally posted by tinoruijs - 2004 Oct 06 : 15:41:09

I know and I properly will not get the time the next few weeks, so I hope it goes. As to calling you Tina! [Oops!] What that mind is full of! (My wife is called Tina!).