Negative stock transfer

Does anyone knows why I am allowed to sell negative stock and not allowed to transfer it? Thanks.

Because if you have no stock, you have nothing to move. But even if you have no stock, you may still want to invoice the customer for the items.

Thats very correct by Mr Nelson…Navision provides u with a functionality to sell something before a purchase. Whereas movement within inventory can happen only if u have the stocks.

As a workaroiund, you could also write a function that imitates a stock transfer but allows you to transfer negative stock by creating a negative adjustment in the bin you want to move stock from and then a positive adjustment in the bin to move it to.


Originally posted by MikeB2168
As a workaroiund, you could also write a function that imitates a stock transfer but allows you to transfer negative stock by creating a negative adjustment in the bin you want to move stock from and then a positive adjustment in the bin to move it to.

There are costing implications to this (In all costing methods except true standard). Transfers move the product at it’s actual cost whereas a Negative/Postive would possibly change the cost of the item. I would guess the costing issue is the main reason that a transfer needs to be applied to an Item Ledger before it is done (you will notice multiple ILE lines can be generated for one transfer out…this is due to the applications), and hence can’t go into negatives.

Hi, I remember we had a similar request for allowing the transfer of negative stock. It looked easy but we ran into a lot of complications on the costing as rightly pointed out earlier. Cheers,