Navision Book - Report Writer

Can anybody recommend a book covering Navision Report Writer and where it can be purchased. I just started a new job and noone at the company knows how to write reports and their is no documentation. Thanks

Start with the Application Developers Guide that’s on Your product CD. I don’t think You’l find many other books covering the subject.

I was going to say, a Navision report writer manual - yeah right, you’ll be lucky. As Lars, mentioned, application developers guide will be your first port of call and will teach you the basics. Then when you want to enhance your reports, you’ll need to use the “trial and error” method or look at existing reports in the database. Good luck [;)]

Navision USA made a seminar (for the first time ever) to train end-users on the Report Writing. I have attended the seminar and they gave us decent manuals on the subject. YOu can contact you Solution Center to get more info

Denis, I don’t suppose you got that info digital, so you can make us real happy…

Sorry guys, it is a manual about 50mm (2") thick :frowning:

Denis, Can you ask the trainer for the softcopy. It will be helpfull for the community. Bye