Nav 4.1 - Interaction Template Error

Can anyone help with the following problem?

From Sales & Marketing I am trying to create a new attachment in an interaction template and receiving the following error:

"The message is for C/AL programmers:

Could not create an instance of the OLE control or Automation server identified by GUID={3C2554FE-2B41-4543-B3E8-E64296773DA5} 2.0:{40D88563-F0DA-4B3D-AD1B-34EFA8C3978A}:Unknown Automation Server. Unkown Class.
Check that the OLE control or Automation server is correctly installed and registered."

This occurs just after I click on the lookup button under the “attachment” column which should launch Word. This is not happening on all PCs but with the affected PCs it is happening on all databases. I have checked the versions of Word between the affected and unaffected PCs and there is no difference so it is difficult for me to determine what is causing this. Any help or suggestions from fellow members would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

This error message means that the COM-Control (Automation Object) ist not (correct) registered.

This means your Navision-Installation is not 100% correct :slight_smile:


go to your Navision-Folder and make a .bat with:

regsvr32.exe cgreqClient.dll
regsvr32.exe cgtimer.dll
regsvr32.exe compnoteshtml.dll
regsvr32.exe cphandler.dll
regsvr32.exe cptimer.dll
regsvr32.exe csearch.dll
rem regsvr32.exe dbm.dll /u
regsvr32.exe imageselector.dll
rem regsvr32.exe interop.msxml2.dll /u
regsvr32.exe nathash.dll
rem regsvr32.exe nc_netb.dll /u
rem regsvr32.exe nc_tcp.dll /u
rem regsvr32.exe nc_tcps.dll /u
rem regsvr32.exe ndbcs.dll /u
regsvr32.exe nfencrypt.dll
regsvr32.exe nsobjectXproxy.dll
regsvr32.exe oladdin.dll
regsvr32.exe olhandler.dll
regsvr32.exe rotaccess.dll
rem regsvr32.exe vcgmbs.dll /u
rem regsvr32.exe vcpane32.dll /u
rem regsvr32.exe vcwin32.dll /u
rem regsvr32.exe vxcsv32.dll /u
regsvr32.exe comdlg32.ocx
regsvr32.exe vcgantt.ocx

rem regsvr32.exe .dll /u

and then to the your “shared”-Folder:

regsvr32.exe .\Timer\Ntimer.dll
regsvr32.exe .\mapi\msmapi32.ocx
regsvr32.exe “.\Communication Component\nscomcom2.dll”
regsvr32.exe “.\Communication Component\SocketBusAdapter.dll”
regsvr32.exe “.\Communication Component\MSMQBusAdapter.dll”
regsvr32.exe “.\Communication Component\NPipeBusAdapter.dll”
regsvr32.exe “.\Application handler\nsapphandler.dll”


Run these Files and try again…

Hmmm … I don’t think this is a problem of the installation of the NAV clients, I guess it’s a problem with the Office/Word installation. Maybe you could run the “Office Repair” feature …

This can also happen if you install Navision before installing office. In which case its easiest to uninstall and reinstall Navision.

I had the same problem


regsrvr32 <Common files>\Navision\Application Handler\NSAppHandler.dll

One more cause - Automation libraries versions in NAV doesnt correspond to your MS Office version, however it depends on what you are actually doing - Word in general is not so sensitive to this situation, but Exel (especially if Pivot tables are included) definitely needs same versions. Even if NAV libs are more recent than Office, it doesnt always work.