NAV 2009 r2 Date Issue in Report


I have done the following:

This is for retrieve a range of record by the month and year selected by user. For example, if user select month: 9 and Year:2014, then result will will be 1/9/2014 to 30/9/2014. Besides the record within this data range, the very first record in the database table will also displayed in the report.

DateOfFirstDay := DATE2DMY(CALCDATE(’<-CM>’,DMY2DATE(1, month + 1, year)), 1);

NoOfDaysInMonth := DATE2DMY(CALCDATE(‘CM’,DMY2DATE(1,month + 1,year)),1);

StartPayDate := DMY2DATE(DateOfFirstDay, month + 1, year);

EndPayDate := DMY2DATE(NoOfDaysInMonth,month + 1, year);

SETRANGE(“Pay Date”, StartPayDate, EndPayDate);

May I know what is the problem, anyone have idea ? Please advise. Thanks in advance.


why do you calc the first of month? it’s always the 1st.

in your case, if a user selects 9 as month, you calc. with 10, also with October.

i tested your code with a report and using table sales header as dataitem (in nav 2009 r2).

in the “Sales Header” - OnPreDataItem Trigger i wrote:

month := 1;

year := 2011;

firstDayOfMonth := DATE2DMY(CALCDATE(’<-CM>’,DMY2DATE(1, month + 1, year)), 1); // always 1

noOfDaysInMonth := DATE2DMY(CALCDATE(‘CM’,DMY2DATE(1,month + 1,year)),1);

startDate := DMY2DATE(firstDayOfMonth, month + 1, year); // giving the 1st of next month

endDate := DMY2DATE(noOfDaysInMonth,month + 1, year);

“Sales Header”.SETRANGE(“Posting Date”, startDate, endDate);

ran the report, everthing works fine. result is ok.


Thanks for your help!! Just realise I put the code under OnAfterGetRecord() function.

Now everything work perfectly!!
Thank you so much.


Thanks for your help!! Just realise I put the code under OnAfterGetRecord() trigger.

Now everything work perfectly!!
Thank you so much.

Looks good and does the job, but why all that code??

This will do the same.

StartDate := DMY2DATE(1,Month,Year); SETRANGE(PayDate,StartDate,CALCDATE('<CM>',StartDate));