I want to have journal batch workflow With either y or x to approve.
I added user x and user y both to workflow user groups with sequence both as 1. the system requires them both to approve.
How to make one approval from either one of them . That is if one of them approves then the journal will be posted.
Hello, you are almost there, just follow the steps and you will be good to go.
- Disable the flow (to make changes)
- Under the workflow steps, check for the event ‘When a request is approved’, and its corresponding Pending Approval count. If the Pending Approval count is set as >0, it will wait until both x and y approves. Now, change it to Pending Approval >1. This means, out of 2 approvers, when 1 approves, the number of pending approval will be 1, thus the flow will move on to the result.
- Enable the WF again.
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