Modified Date Time and Modified By fields are not getting updated



I am developing in AX 2009, CUS layer. When I change any object (Class, Form, Report, etc.), the “Modified Date Time” and “Modified By” fields for the object are not getting changed.

In AX 2009, is there any configuration to be done to enable the system to show the above details when they are modified.

Thanks and Regards,

Vinu Manuel

Hi Vinu,

When any object is changed the properties of the object like Changed By and Changed Date Time properties will be updated…

for this i don’t think any configuration is needed…

but haven’t seen the modified by property anyware…

This property will be there for tables - which is a boolean - when you select yes in table you will be able to see a Modified by field

which will be getting updated when the record is modified - are you asking this???

Hi Vinu,

This seems to be a common issue. I usually work in various layers including USR, CUS, VAR etc and I have noticed this behaviour in all these layers.

I have not noticed any hotfix to fix this issue.


I am mentioning about “Changed By” and “Changed Date Time” properties for Classes and Forms (It was a typo mistake :slight_smile: that I have mentioned Modified By).

Yes, I understood what you meant [emoticon:44a8a53ad3364ea78a16c5a3229f75bb] Irrespective of how it is referred, the modified date/time stamp, modified by etc doesn’t seem to work correctly.