Mismatch on receipt goods quantity and quanitity on invoice on PO.

Hello Everyone,

It’s my first post so please excuse me for a style and other things.

I have a question about PO / warehouse topics.

What I need to do when I get more or less goods on receipt goods than on the invoice on the PO.

I have some cases, if you could please suggest me what I need to do in AX 2012 to solve this (post it) and have a good quantities and values in the system:

A: Physical delivery: 7, transport documents: 10 invoice: 12

B: Physical delivery: 7, transport documents: 12 invoice: 10

C: Physical delivery: 10, transport documents: 7, Invoice: 12

D: Physical delivery: 10, transport documents: 12 invoice: 7

E: Physical delivery: 12, transport documents: 7, Invoice: 10

F: Physical delivery: 12, transport documents: 10 invoice: 7

  1. How to handle these cases in the AX (from a business perspective and logic of the system, not about the path and forms) so as to properly account for the shipping company and provider? As for the documents discrepancies, corrections, future deliveries, etc.

  2. How to handle these cases from the perspective of accounting - how to use this financial accounts (not in terms of numbers of accounts) and financial dimensions / freight / warehouse?

  3. What to do in case of receipt of the correction - as “trace” goods recorded a couple of weeks ago, which came just a correction or additional supply, assuming that these cases occur several times a day?

I know I have a lot of questions but I just need some suggestions for each I’ll give big thanks!

One more thing - sorry for my english. I know I made somewhere some mistakes.

Also if U can provide me with a link with a similar topic I will be greatful!

Best regards,