Matching purchase invoice to payments.

have an issue whereby a client its invoices by payment voucher. Navision generates a document number for each purchase invoice. Now what i need to do is trace back to the payments made for these specific document numbers to be able to get to the original source documents which have other references.

Is it possible to extract it automatically or do i have to do it manually one by one?

Hi Bilaalsoobhany,
What do you mean by “extract it automatically”?

When you create a payment suggestion, then depending on the setup, then it will either create one payment per open vendor document, or one payment per vendor. And everything is referenced (apply to/applies to id) to the original document.

Do you mean to say you need to find the Payment applied against the invoices and vice versa. ???
If yes then check in Vendor ledger entry and detailed vendor ledger entry for the same and you will find data only if user applied the invoices against payment made to supplier