Mail Thru CU397 in NAV 2009 SP1


I’m not able to send mail thru Codeunit 397 (Mail). I’m using Nav 2009 SP1 & Microsoft OutLook 2007.

CU397 throughs the error message…

7080.CU397 ERROR.JPG

This error message comes from the Codeunit(397) - function name >> NewMessage

5621.OSendMail Error.JPG

Please help to resolve the issue.

Have you tested sending mails using MAPI from other applications?


But Nav 5.0 works fine.


Please have a look at what version of “NS Outlook Synchronization Handler” automation you are using and try to recompile the codeunit 397 again.

You can also try to create a simple codeunit base on the 397 one and test it. The problem might be the compatibility between the NAV 2009 and the Outlook libraries you have in that computer.



i am also getting the same error , please help me to short out this.